Shed Blueprints 8×10 for a traditional style timber frame shed. As shown in the wood shed blueprints this 8 x 10 feet shed has a simple design, easy to build joints, high walls and a steep pitched roof which is not usually found in normal shed kits.
8×10 Shed Blueprints For Framing Elevation Front and Back

8×10 Shed Floor Framing Blueprints & Rafter Template

8×10 Shed Plans With Gable Overhang, Eave, Jamb, Ramp and Door Details

The clean and simple styling of these garden shed plans give a rustic and traditional look but at same time makes it easy to add custom details.
Step By Step Instructions For Building Your 8×10 Gable Shed
Step 1 Prepare the foundation site with a 4″ deep layer of compacted and leveled gravel. Cut three 6 x 6 treated timber skids. Place the skids following the 8×10 floor framing plan . Lay a straight 2 x 4 across the skids to make sure they are level.
Step 2 Cut two 2 x 6 rim joists and nine joists . Assemble the floor frame with galvanized nails, as shown in the shed floor framing plan. Check the frame to make sure it is square by measuring the diagonals.
Step 3 Position the floor frame on top of the skids and measure the diagonals to make sure it’s square, install joist clip angles at each joist along the two outer skids with galvanized nails Toenail each joist to the center skid.
Step 4 Install the tongue-and-groove plywood floor sheathing, starting with a full sheet at one corner of the frame The flooring should extend to the outside edges of the floor frame.
Step 5 To prepare the wall posts, cut six 4 x 4 posts (90 1/2″}, making sure both ends are square. On the four corner posts, mark for 3 1/2″ long x 1 1/2″deep notches (to accept the girts) on the two adjacent inside faces of each post Start the notches 46 1/4″ from the bottom ends of the posts.
Step 6 Mark the door frame posts for notches to receive a girt at 46 1/4″ and for the door header at 82″; see the shed blueprints 8×10 FRONT FRAMING ELEVATION . Remove the waste from the notch areas with a circular saw and clean up with a broad wood chisel. Test fit the notches to make sure the 4 x 4 girts will fit snugly.
Step 7 Position the post bases so the posts will be flush with the outsides of the shed floor, install the bases with 16d galvanized common nails The insides of the door posts should be 29″ from the floor sides Brace each post so it is perfectly plumb, and then fasten it to its base using the base manufacturer’s recommended fasteners.
Step 8 Cut two 4×6 beams at 10 ft and two at 8 ft. Notch the ends of the beams for half-lap joints: Measure the width and depth of the beams and mark notches equal to the width x 1/2 the depth, orient the notches as shown in the shed blueprints 8×10 framing ELEVATIONS . Cut the notches with a handsaw, then test-fit the Joints, and make fine adjustments with a chisel.
Step 9 Set an 8-ft. beam onto the front wall posts and tack it in place with a 16d nail at each end. Tack the other 8-ft. beam to the back posts. Then, position the 10 ft beams on top of the short beam ends, forming the half lap joints Measure the diagonals of the front wall frame to make sure it’s square, and then anchor the beams with two 60d galvanized naits at each corner (drill pilot holes for the nails).
Step 10 Reinforce the beam connections with a metal post-beam connector on the outside of each corner and on both sides ol the door posts using the recommended fasteners install an L-connector on the inside of the beam-to beam joints; see the shed blueprints 8×10 EAVE DETAIL
Step 11 Cut eight 4×4 corner braces (20″), mitering the ends at 45 degree. install the braces flush with the outsides of the beams and corner posts using two 3/4 x 6″ lag screws (with washers) driven through counterbored pilot holes.
Step 12 Measure between the posts at the notches, and cut the 4×4 girts to fit. To allow the girts to meet at the corner posts, make a 1/2 x 1/2 ” notch at both ends of the rear wall girts and the outside ends of the front wall girts, install die girts with construction adhesive and two 20d nails driven through the outsides of the posts (drill pilot holes first), cut and install the 4×4 door header in the same fashion.
Step 13 Frame the roof: cut two pattern rafters using the shed blueprints 8×10 rafter TEMPLATE , Test-fit the patterns, and then cut the remaining ten rafters. Cut the 2 x 6 ridge (120degree). Install the rafters and ridge using 24″ on-center spacing. Cut four 2 – 2s to extend from the roof peak to the rafter ends, and install them flush with the tops of the end rafters; see the shed blueprints 8×10 GABLE OVERHANG DETAIL . Add framing connectors at the rafter-beam connections (except at the outer rafters).
Step 14 Cut four 2×4 collar ties (58degree). mitering the ends at 45degree Install the ties 12″ below the tops of the rafters, as shown in the shed blueprints 8×10 FRAMING ELEVATIONS
Step 15 Install the 1 x 8 siding on the front and rear walls so it runs from the 2 x 2s along the end rafters down to 3/4″ below the bottom of the floor frame. Fasten the siding with 8d corrosion-resistant finish nails or siding nails. Don’t nail the siding to the door header in this step.
Step 16 Cover the rafter ends along the eaves with 1 x 4 subfascia, flush with the tops of the rafters; see the shed blueprints 8×10 EAVE DETAIL. Install the 1 x 6 fascia and 1 x 2 trim at the gable ends and along the eaves, mitering the corner joints. Keep the fascia and trim 1/2″ above the rafters so it will be flush with the roof sheathing.
Step 17 Rip the plywood soffit panels to fit between the wall framing and the fascia; install them with 3d galvanized box nails; see the EAVE DETAIL. Apply siding along the side walls, butting the top ends up to the soffits.
Step 18 Deck the roof with 1/2″ plywood sheathing, starting at the bottom corners. Cover the sheathing with building paper, overhanging the 1 x 2 fascia trim by 3/4″ install the cedar shingle roofing or asphalt shingles following the steps on pages 56 to 59. include roof vents, if desired (they’re a good idea). Finish the roof at the peak with a 1 x ridge cap
Step 19 Construct the door frame from 3/4 x 4 1/4″ stock. Cut the head jamb at 37 3/4″ and the side jambs at 81″. Fasten the head jamb over the ends of the side jambs with 2 1/2″ deck screws install the frame in the door opening using shims and 10d galvanized casing nails. Add 1 x 2 stops to the jambs, 3/4″ from the outside edges.
Step 20 Build the door with seven pieces of 1 x 6 siding cut at 80 3/4″. Fit the boards together, then mark and trim the outer pieces so the door is 36″ wide, install the 1 x 6 Z-bracing with adhesive and 1 1/4″ wood screws, as shown in the shed blueprints 8×10 DOOR DETAIL . Install flashing over the outside of the door, then add 1 x 3 trim around both sides of the door opening, as shown in the DOOR JAMB DETAIL. Hang the door with two or three strap hinges.